A Guide to Teaching Introductory Psychology focuses on the critical aspects of teaching introductory psychology to undergraduate students. It includes ideas, tips, and strategies for effectively teaching this course and provides useful answers to commonly asked questions. A concise and accessible guide to teaching introductory courses in Psychology Begins with an orienting history of the course· Evaluates current trends in teaching and offers suggestions for developing personal techniques Addresses a number of relevant issues, including how to teach difficult topics; linking course content to everyday experience; developing and using class presentations, lectures, and active learning ideas; and increasing interest in course topics Supported by a website that provides links to useful websites and handouts that instructors can use in their classes (http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/teachpsychscience/lucas/)
The editor's goal in compiling this book was to invite authors to articulate their philosophies, course designs, and teaching techniques for the introductory psychology course.
The text contains hundreds of updated references. New information and discussions focus the text on psychology as both a social science and a natural-science to better meet the needs of a natural-science oriented curriculum.
The goal of this book is to review the body of teaching research that is available as well as some of the well-accepted lore, so as to make the first foray into teaching psychology a positive experience.
This book is the second edition of Introductory Psychology Teaching Primer: A Guide for New Teachers of Psyc 101.
This Handbook contains work by many diligent and dedicated teachers who have enriched the lives of countless students enrolled in introductory psychology.
Each year, well over a million undergraduate students take an introductory psychology course. This edited volume presents recommendations for designing and teaching this important course.
Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 321–324. doi:10.1111/j.0963-7214.2005.00390.x Garry, M., & Polaschek, D. L. (2000). Imagination and memory. ... Gilbert, D.T., & Malone, P.S. (1995). The correspondence bias.
This volume is intended to give readers all the relevant information for any introductory psychology class or for self-study.
This volume provides thoroughly updated guidelines for preparing and teaching an entire course in psychology.
First Published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.