Evidence-Based Clinical Supervision critiques and summarisesthe best available psychological evidence relating to clinicalsupervision, clarifying the key principles, setting out the relatedpractice guidelines and specifying the research and practiceimplications. A best-practice guide to clinical supervision, an approach usedacross psychotherapy and health services where professionals meetregularly with each other to discuss casework and trainingissues Summarises the best available clinical evidence relating toclinical supervision, and relates this information to keyprinciples with a strong applied focus, drawing out practiceguidelines and implications Aims to motivate health professionals to practice supervisionwith greater enthusiasm and proficiency Represents the culmination of two years' intensive research onsupervision and twenty years of involvement in supporting anddeveloping supervisors
Founded on the author’s long-term involvement in painstaking programmatic research, this book offers an original, scholarly, systematic, and constructive guide for fostering evidence-based supervision in mental health care.
... Reflective Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling. London: Open University Press/McGraw‐Hill Education. Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (2009). Fundamentals of Clinical Supervision. Cincinnati, OH: Pearson.
Part I. Foundations of competence-based clinical supervision -- Groundwork and rationale -- Implementing competency-based clinical supervision and best practices -- Illustration and discussion: excerpt from a transcript of a supervisory ...
Demonstrates the clinical supervisor's central role in orienting and socializing graduate students, interns, and postdoctoral fellows into psychology as a profession.
In summary, this manual provides critical guidance in a number of areas: Training resources and evidence based guidance to individual supervisors in a continuing education/professional development workshop format Criteria and guidance ...
Supervision is necessary in the SA treatment field to improve client care, develop the professionalism of clinical personnel, and maintain ethical standards. Contents of this report: (1) CS and Prof¿l.
This brief, practical guide to clinical supervision uniquely addresses supervisor and supervisee together.
This second edition of Supervision and Clinical Psychology has been fully updated to include the recent developments in research, policy and the practice of supervision.
The wee book of Calvin. London, UK: Penguin. Ellis, M. V., & Ladany, N. (1997). Inferences concerning supervisees and clients in clinical supervision: An integrative review. InC. E. Watkins (Ed.), Handbook of psychotherapy supervision ...