This book captures best practice in construction stakeholdermanagement using a range of international case studies. Itdemonstrates stakeholder mapping, presents the power/interestmatrix and analyses a model for the timely engagement ofstakeholders. The increased use of partnering and other relational forms ofcontracting have underlined the need for project participants towork together and also to be aware of all those who can affect orbe affected by a project and its associated developments.Stakeholder management enables them to see this wider picture andprovides guidance for managing the diverse views and interests thatcan manifest in the course of a project’s life. All construction projects have the potential for conflicts ofinterest that can result in costly and damaging legal proceedings.This new book advocates an alternative to dispute resolution thatis proactive, practical and global in its application.Construction Stakeholder Management is therefore anessential text for advanced students, lecturers, researchers andpractitioners in the built environment.
A comprehensive book on project management, covering all principles and methods with fully worked examples, this book includes both hard and soft skills for the engineering, manufacturing and construction industries.
Master's Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: A, Bahria University (Bahria University Lahore), course: MS Project Management - Stakeholder Engagement, language: ...
Reflecting this evolution, The Standard for Project Management enumerates 12 principles of project management and the PMBOK&® Guide &– Seventh Edition is structured around eight project performance domains.This edition is designed to ...
Stakeholders often assess the benefit the project delivers here and now and in a much broader sense than 'just' deliverables. This book looks at how the project manager can gather the information that is needed for a stakeholder analysis.
This requires the concepts and practices of effective stakeholder management to become embedded in the culture of the organisation: 'how we do things around here', this book provides the 'road map' to help organisations achieve these ...
The banking arm of CFS (UK) applies SRI style screening to both investments and potential clients (Vignette 6.7). 6.6.8 LEVEL 9 COLLABORATION ... The bank has a clearly defined set of stakeholders in its seven 'equal partners'.
In this groundbreaking guide, Tres Roeder, a globally recognized expert on project management and organizational change, offers time-tested strategies and techniques for effectively identifying, categorizing, prioritizing, managing, and ...
In order to apply this generalized guidance to construction projects, the Project Management Institute has developed the Construction Extension to the PMBOK® Guide.This Construction Extension provides construction-specific guidance for the ...
This book draws on 15 years of research and application during which MAMCA has been deployed to support sustainable decisions within the transport and mobility sectors.
Sustainability in Project Management explores and identifies the questions surrounding the integration of the concepts of sustainability in projects and project management and provides valuable guidance and insights.