Clinical Pain Management takes a practical, interdisciplinary approach to the assessment and management of pain. Concise template chapters serve as a quick reference to physicians, anesthetists and neurologists, as well as other specialists, generalists, and trainees managing pain. Based on the International Association for the Study of Pain’s clinical curriculum on the topic, this reference provides to-the-point best-practice guidance in an easy-to-follow layout including tables, bullets, algorithms and guidelines.
This differs from uterosacral transection (laparoscopic uterine nerve ablation (LUNA)) in which the nerves are cut at the level of the uterus. LUNA involves the destruction of the uterine nerve fibers as they exit the uterus through the ...
... Stier G, Becker PB et al. The bifunctional protein DCoH modulates interactions of the homeodomain transcription factor HNF1 with nucleic acids. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1997; 265: 20–9. Keith DE, Anton B, Murray SR et al.
Pearson JF, Davies P. The effect of continuous lumbar epidural analgesia on the acid-base status of maternal arterial blood during the first stage of labour. Journal of Obstetrics and ... Shnider SM, Wright RG, Levinson G et al.
McDonald J, Lambert DG. Opioid receptors. Continuing education in anaesthesia. Critical Care and Pain. 2005; 5: 22–5. * 31. Stein C, Yassouridis A. Peripheral morphine analgesia. Pain. 1997; 71: 119–21. 32. Bergstrom J, Ahmed M, ...
Rosenfeld RH, Wilson DC. Managing organizations: Text, readings and cases, 2nd edn. Maidenhead: McGraw Hill, 1999. 141. Ackerman Anderson L, Anderson D. Awake at the wheel: moving beyond change management to conscious change leadership.
Written from a clinical perspective, this book and CD-ROM answers any question a nurse or administrator may have about incorporating effective pain management into resident care plans.
Clinical Pain Management is a major new clinical reference work.
Rhee KH, Stier G, Becker PB et al. The bifunctional protein DCoH modulates interactions of the homeodomain transcription factor HNF1 with nucleic acids. Journal of Molecular Biology. 1997; 265: 20–9. 79. Keith DE, Anton B, ...
Clinical Pain Management is a major new clinical reference work.
Providing a general approach to the understanding and management of all forms of chronic pain, this book offers a clear and reader-friendly format that clarifies procedures in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of the most common ...