Long Term Conditions is a comprehensive textbook for all nursing and healthcare students and practitioners that explores the key issues surrounding caring for patients with chronic diseases or long-term conditions. Divided into three sections, this book explores living with a long-term condition, empowerment, and care management. Rather than being disease-focused, it looks at key issues and concepts which unify many different long-term conditions, including psychological and social issues that make up a considerable part of living with a long-term condition. Within each of the chapters, issues of policy, culture and ethics are intertwined, and case studies are used throughout, linking the concepts to specific diseases. Key features: A comprehensive textbook on the principles and practice of caring for people with long-term conditions User-friendly in style with learning outcomes, further reading, useful websites, and case studies throughout linking to specific conditions Moves away from a disease-focused medical model, and takes a needs-led approach Uniquely explores the overarching issues of living with one or more long-term conditions Focuses on the importance of multi-disciplinary team work and collaborative teamwork in the management of long-term conditions
This book is a very welcome tool, which will enable health professionals to understand the complexity, challenge and rewards of proactively managing long-term conditions.
Packed with helpful, clearly written information, Managing Long-term Conditions and Chronic Illness in Primary Care includes case studies, fact boxes and pointers for practice.
This practical guide will assist healthcare practitioners to manage complex chronic diseases and meet the needs of patients with long-term conditions.
This book focuses on the relevant essential knowledge and skills, including the impact of long term conditions across the lifespan, the therapeutic relationship, health promotion and empowerment, self-management, symptom management, case ...
This timely book provides a unique examination of the sociology surrounding long term conditions and the experiences of the patients who have them.
The second edition of Nursing Care of Children and Young People with Long Term Conditions remains the only nursing-specific text on the care of paediatric patients with chronic illness.
Hackett, M., Yapa, C., Parag, V. and Anderson, C. (2005) Frequency of depression after stroke, Stroke, 36: 1330–40. Haines, L., Wan, K., Lynn, R., ... Loddenkemper, R., Gibson, G.J. and Sibille, Y. (2003) European Lung White Book.
Department of Health and Social Care Inspectorate Scottish Office Social Work Services Group (1991). Care Management and Assessment Managers Guide. http://www. scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/05/16081522/12 (accessed on October 2009).
Participation in leadership roles is one pathway to keep young people engaged at the community level [63]. In a study of rural South African youth on the perceptions of their future communities, researchers observed that youths who ...
This book is filled with hundreds of proven tips, helpful suggestions, and concrete strategies to deal with chronic illness, to manage emotions, and to live a productive life.