"A thorough and absorbing tour of the sub-discipline... An essential acquisition for any scholar or teacher interested in geographical perspectives on political process." - Sallie Marston, University of Arizona "This unique book is a true encyclopedia of political geography." - Vladimir Kolossov, Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Vice President of the IGU The SAGE Handbook of Political Geography provides a highly contextualised and systematic overview of the latest thinking and research in the field. Edited by key scholars, with international contributions from acknowledged authorities on the relevant research, the Handbook is divided into six sections: Scope and Development of Political Geography: the geography of knowledge, conceptualisations of power and scale. Geographies of the State: state theory, territory and central local relations, legal geographies, borders. Participation and representation: citizenship, electoral geography, media public space and social movements. Political Geographies of Difference: class, nationalism, gender, sexuality and culture. Geography Policy and Governance: regulation, welfare, urban space, and planning. Global Political Geographies: imperialism, post-colonialism, globalization, environmental politics, IR, war and migration. The SAGE Handbook of Political Geography is essential reading for upper level students and scholars with an interest in politics and space.
Thus David Grusky and Gabriela Galescu (in Wright 2005) present a model in which classes are equivalent to specific occupational groups, generated within 408 THE SAGE HANDBOOK OF GEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE.
" - Sallie A. Marston, University of Arizona "Captures wonderfully the richness and complexity of the worlds that human beings inhabit... This is a stand-out among handbooks!
Journal of Historical Geography 22: 253–73. Powell, Joe M. (1996b). Origins of modern environmentalism. In Ian Douglas, Richard Huggett and Mike Robinson (eds.), Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind.
The SAGE Handbook of Political Science presents a major retrospective and prospective overview of the discipline.
McHugh, K.E. (2000) 'The “ageless self”? Emplacement of identities in Sun Belt retirement communities', Journal of Aging Studies, 14 (1): 103–15. McHugh, K.E. (2003) 'Three faces of ageism: society, image and place', Ageing and Society, ...
Developments in Political Geography: A Century of Progress
The SAGE Handbook of Comparative Politics is an essential resource for researchers in political science, political sociology, political economy, international relations, area studies and all other fields with a comparative political ...
... 368, 378 on spatial divisions of labour, 92–3, 179, 388 Matarasso, F., 330 Maye, D., 244 Mearns, J., 225 Meegan, ... R., 358 Parr, J., 309 Passmore, J., 48 Patel, S., 197 Pauly, L.W., 112 Pearson, H., 26 Pearson, R., 359 Peck, J., ...
The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology offers a comprehensive and contemporary look at this evolving field of study.
Corbridge, Stuart (1993) 'Marxisms, modernities, and moralities: development praxis and the claims of distant strangers', Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 11: 449–72; Gregory, Derek (1994) Geographical Imaginations.