"The inter-relationships of health, illness and society are matters of intense and growing research and debate. Kevin White has performed an extraordinary service to anyone who would wish to understand or contribute to such debates. His dictionary is authoritative and comprehensive. It provides clear, confident and succinct summaries of key terms, concepts,debates and influential figures in the field of social aspects of health." - Ray Fitzpatrick, Professor of Public Health, University of Oxford The field of Health Studies has grown enormously over the last 30 years. Yet surprisingly, until now, no comprehensive and authoritative Dictionary of key terms has been available. This book fills the gap with over 900 terms used in the health studies field. The dictionary: Provides one-stop coverage of the social scientific arena in Health Studies Offers concise definitions of key terms and think Focuses on global key terms which apply to the entire field rather than the application of terms in different countries. Chosen with finesse and understanding of student needs, the entries provide readers with a key resource in the field of health studies and the sociology of health and illness.
... 134 Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial , United States , 62 Murphy , M. , 75 Murray , C. , 161 Myers , S. , 158 McClelland , A. , 157 MacDonaghwhite , C. , 38 McGinn , B. , 143 Machale , E. , 38 Macintyre , S. , 37 Mackenbach ...
Sharp, bold and engaging, this book provides a contemporary account of why medical sociology matters in our modern society.
Phillips, D.R. and Verhasselt, Y. (1994a) 'Introduction', in D.R. Phillips andY. Verhasselt (eds), Health and Development. London: Routledge. Phillips, D.R. and Verhasselt, Y. (1994b) 'Health and development: retrospect and prospect', ...
The book is topical and unique in its approach, combining commentary and analysis of classic debates in medical sociology with contemporary issues in health care policy and practice.
Key Features: 800 signed articles, authored by prominent scholars, are arranged A-to-Z and published in a choice of electronic or print formats Although arranged A-to-Z, a Reader's Guide in the front matter groups articles by thematic areas ...
" - Ray Fitzpatrick, University of Oxford "I have used this book for many years because it is so well written, and it is easy for the students to understand.
A contemporary account of why medicine and health matter in our modern society.
This is the first international and inter-disciplinary social science Handbook on health and medicine.
Such a simple activity is now potentially exposed to all manner of risks, such as repetitive strain injury or pulled back muscles and a variety of health risks, for instance. These risks are now subject to intervention on a structural ...
Bringing together the work of over eighty leading academics and researchers worldwide to produce the definitive reference and research tool for the social sciences, The SAGE Dictionary of Social Research Methods contains more than 230 ...