Postmodernism and poststructuralism have undermined the assumptions upon which established identities have been constructed, such as the concept of stable bodies and stable selves. Sex, gender, sexuality and race are no longer viewed as merely descriptive aspects of experience but also as constructions of identity. Drawing on current debates in postmodern feminism, feminist philosophy of science, anti-racist/postcolonial studies and queer theory, this book considers the way in which discourse fabricates the ideal' male body, sexual identity and sexual politics. Alan Petersen explores the possibilities of developing new models of identity not so closely linked to the sex/gender system and examines the prospects of creating a new or reconceptualized identity politics.
An examination of the assumed qualities and values of growing up manly through an investigation of the psychological and social forces active in the authors own development: relations with his...
Grounded in the theories of masculinities with explicit connections between various theoretical perspectives and the readings, this book examines unique domains, such as the Presidency or men's responses to feminism.
In this detailed investigation of ‘masculine’ gendered identity, first published in 1990, David Jackson uses his own personal history to look at the specific ways in which men become ‘masculine’.
Myth 2: There is nothing you can do about impotence. Nonsense! ... Myth 3: Impotence is all in your head. Irrational! ... One of the most damaging things you can do to your marriage relationship is to hide the fact of your impotence.
Carolyn C. James summarizes this well in her book Malestrom.25 What can we do to heal this wound? In what ways could the father wound be healed in today's Millennials and Gen-Zs?26 How could Baby Boomers become available to the next ...
Ultimately, this collection argues that the quest to unmask how gender operates within superheroes is a crucial one.
Analyzing the speeches of the two Bush presidencies, this book presents a new conceptualization of hegemonic masculinity by making the case for a multiplicity of hegemonic masculinites locally, regionally, and globally.
Wesley T. Leonard, was born in Tallahassee, Florida, and has been preaching the gospel since 1985. He currently serves as Senior Minister of the Southside Church of Christ in Orlando, Florida, and has been there since December 1999.
It's not easy, but if you want to love, be loved and live a great life, then it's an odyssey of self-discovery that all modern men must make. This book is a must-read for every man – and for every woman who loves a man.
This work concentrates on how eighteenth-century feminine novelists articulate the concerns important to women's lives and fates, and argues that these novelists used their romances to combat the controlling ideologies of the age.