Electronic Inspection Copy available for instructors here This exciting new text offers all students of Tourism a concise introduction to all the core topics of Tourism Management. Covering both key theory and practice it introduces students to general management issues across the whole tourism sector in an accessible and manageable way. Focusing particularly on the challenges of managing tourism in the 21st Century, it integrates the themes of sustainability, internationalism, technology and globalisation throughout to provide a thoroughly modern approach to the study of Tourism. Key features of this text include: - A specific focus on the management of tourism in the context of economic, social and environmental conditions, avoiding lengthy descriptions of the various components of the sector; - Three main integrated themes focusing on the demand for tourism, the supply of tourism, and the challenge of balancing of the two; - Coverage of how management techniques are developing in response to changing patterns of demand, emerging markets and destinations, globalisation, and the impacts of tourism; - Discussion points, examples and cases studies designed with the broadest cultural and international dimensions in mind for today's diverse student profile. Written specifically for those looking for core topic coverage in a manageable and concise format, this text will be essential reading for those looking for a truly contemporary introduction to Tourism Management.
[LO 8.2] The Timberlake Corporation has an opportunity to sell its manufacturing facility to Carroll Corporation for $4,500,000. The property has a basis of ...
[LO 9.2] The Timberlake Corporation has an opportunity to sell its manufacturing facility to Carroll Corporation for $4,500,000. The property has a basis of ...
[LO 9.2] The Timberlake Corporation has an opportunity to sell its manufacturing facility to Carroll Corporation for $4,500,000. The property has a basis of ...
1934. Memorandum on the Native Tribes and Tribal Areas of Northern Rhodesia . Lusaka : Government Printer . Timberlake , Michael , ed . 1985.
Timberlake, L. (1987). Only one Earth. London: BBC Books: Earthscan. Tinker, I. (1987). Street foods: Testing assumptions about informal sector by women and ...
The Timberlake Corporation has an opportunity to sell its manufacturing facility to Carroll Corporation for $ 4,500,000 . The property has a basis of ...
Timberlake (1980, 1984) promulgated a behavioral-regulation analysis of learned performance that emphasizes the importance of behavioral.
190; Timberlake 1993, pp. 356–357). By increasing fiscal expenditures, President Carter may have successfully cornered the Fed into delaying tighter ...
( Timberlake , 1993 , p . 4 ) The same was true of the second Bank of the United States , which was chartered in 1816. However , under the leadership of ...
Schlinger, H. and Blakely, E. (1987). Function-altering effects of ... Timberlake, W. and Allison, J. (1974). Response deprivation: An empirical 48 HANDBOOK ...