Health Promotion Settings combines the theoretical discourse of the settings approach, covering a wide range of fundamental principles, concepts and policy issues, with real life examples of settings, including workplaces, schools, neighbourhood, cities and prisons. Frameworks and processes that are actively shaping health promotion in settings in the 21st Century are documented and the ideas and research covered will provide a vital set of indicators for those who promote health in settings. Combining theory with practical examples and case studies, the authors show how a settings approach can work in practice, drawing on a range of local, national and international initiatives and coordinated projects. Health Promotion Settings provides a rich source of ideas and case examples which highlight the challenges for promoting health in a range of contexts. Special attention is given to the workplace as both a priority area for health promotion and a key determinant of health. Written by a highly experienced team of health promotion and public health professionals, academics and researchers, this book is essential reading for both students and practitioners working towards the improvement of health using a settings approach. Online Resources are provided.
In this book the authors descibe the theory and pracice of health promotion in various programs including case studies.
This book's central focus is to provide academics, students, policy-makers, and practitioners with a unique insight into a wide variety of perspectives on settings-based health promotion.
Rydin, Y., Bleahu, A., Davies, M., Dávila, J. D., Friel, S., De Grandis, G., Groce, N., Hallal, P. C., Hamilton, I., ... In: Dixon, L., Perkins, D. F., Hamilton-Giachritsis, C., and Craig, L. A. (Eds.), Wiley Handbook of What Works in ...
Gatherer, A. and Møller, L. (2009) Social justice, public health and the vulnerable: health in prisons raises key ... Golden, S.D. and Earp, J.L. (2012) Socio ecological approaches to individuals and their contexts: twenty years of ...
This new edition continues to build on the sound philosophical approach of the previous editions.
Tony Worsley presents the history, theory and methods of nutrition promotion, and provides practical applications in a variety of settings and age groups.
This open access book is a thorough update and expansion of the 2017 edition of The Handbook of Salutogenesis, responding to the rapidly growing salutogenesis research and application arena.
Barry, M. M., Allegrante, J. P., Lamarre, M., Auld, E., and Taub, A. (2009). The Galway Consensus Conference: international ... Brown, P., Zavestoski, S., McCormick, S., Mayer, B., Morello-Frosch, R. and Gasior, A. R. (2004).
This open access book offers an overview of the beautiful, powerful, and dynamic array of opportunities to promote health through the arts from theoretical, methodological, pedagogical, and critical perspectives.
The authors review the global, regional and local issues that affect health in Australia, and show how social, economic, political and educational elements in society contribute to population health and wellbeing.