This book is part of the highly successful Transforming Social Work Practice series and is written specifically to support students on the social work degree. Full of practical activities, case studies and opportunities for students to critically reflect and explore theory and practice. Current practice in the field was driven by the government White Paper 'Valuing People' (2001) which declared some radical aims for services with people with learning difficulties. Now somewhat compromised by the local authority austerity measures, the goals set by 'Valuing People' are nevertheless still important. This third edition seeks to confirm and strenghten social work values and priciples so that the progress and successes achieved by 'Valuing People' can continue. Case studies and activities draw out the key points and reinforce learning. Summaries of contemporary research are included, as are suggestions for further reading and coverage of current government guidance and policy documents. By examining the varied roles that a social worker might undertake in this field, the authors portray a positive picture of working with people with learning difficulties: the achievements and satisfaction, and the learning and understanding that can be gained. They also highlight the need for recognition of vulnerability, the risk of isolation, oppression and abuse, and the continuing political struggle to establish and protect the rights of the individual. Paul Williams has over 40 years' experience of working with people with learning difficulties. He was a founder member of the organisation 'Values into Action' which campaigned for rights, inclusion and community-based services for people with learning difficulties. He is co-author of books on self-advocacy and anti-oppressive practice. A former lecturer in social work at the University of Reading, he is now retired. Michelle Evans has 14 years of practice in all areas of sensory need, including Deaf/deafness, visual impairment and Deafblindness. She has a first class honours degree in social work and has worked as a care manager in adult services and a social worker in children's services. She has a particular interest in methods of social research which contribute to raising sensory awareness in social work/ care management. She lectures social work students at London South Bank University and develops and delivers sensory awareness training to practitioners and managers.
... P. ( 1996 ) Understanding Poverty ( 2nd edn ) . London : Macmillan . Allen , D. ( 1994 ) " Towards Meaningful Day Activities . ' In E. Emerson , P. Gill and J. Mansell ( eds ) Severe Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour .
Many people are afraid of working in this field of social work and this book dispels the myths and fears about working with children with disabilities and build the social worker’s confidence in an area that is often left behind within ...
Using case studies, activities and further reading to reinforce learning, this book explores an important area of social work practice and examines the varied roles social workers might undertake – including the achievements and ...
Reflecting the multi-professional nature of services for people with learning disabilities, this book will help practitioners and students make a real difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities who access health and social ...
The book is organized around four units, each of which addresses one of the areas noted. It is not the purpose of this book to enable the reader to gain expertise in any one disabling condition or impairment.
This unusual book, based on one of those rare courses, includes contributions from academic specialists, students and people with learning difficulties, all of whom have participated in the course.
This text provides a comprehensive insight into intellectual disability healthcare.
Not only is there a widely held belief that IQ scores determine parenting skills, but also that any shortfall is irremediable, and skills cannot be improved (McGaw and Newman, 2005). Worryingly, it would seem that not only do the ...
Through rigorous critique, this book provides a unique rationale for a new multi-dimensional model of access and ways of promoting it.
Andy Alaszewski is Professor of Health Studies and Director of the Centre for Health Services Studies at the University of Kent ... Her publications include Assessing and Managing Risk in Nurse Education (ENB 1998, with Andy Alaszewski, ...