Solar sailing - using the sun as a propellant - offers the possibility of low-cost long-distance missions that are impossible with conventional spacecraft. This first comprehensive book on this propulsion method provides a detailed account of solar sailing, at a high technical level, but in a way accessible to the scientifically informed layperson. Solar sail orbital dynamics and solar radiation pressure form the foundations of the book, but the engineering design of solar sails is also considered, along with potential mission applications.
This book is the second edition of the fascinating explanation of solar sails, how they work and how they will be used in the exploration of space.
The first one is an ecliptic inertial frame iiiioxyz used to describe the motion of solar sail in an elliptical orbit as ... The origin of the frame is the center of mass of the sail; z-axis is directed towards the sail from the Sun.
Space Ship 1 would not have so readily won the X-Prize for repeated flights to heights in excess of 100 kilometers if Burt Rutan and associates had had to construct the Edwards Air Force Base and repeat the materials research leading to ...
Louis Friedman, Executive Director of the Planetary Society, presents the first comprehensive look at the science and history behind solar sailing and other designs for space travel. Serious science readers...
Quadrant Q can be divided into three main regions: S or the slow H-reversal motion region, where the Sun-sailcraft distance is greater than or equal to the perihelion of the departure orbit; there are small asymptotic gains in speed and ...
This fascinating book provides an accessible introduction to solar sails and details how they work and what they will be used for in the exploration of space.
Solar Sailing
Solar sails use the sun_s energy to fly spacecraft, or _flight by light._ It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel.
Solar Sailing
NASA's first nano-class solar sail satellite, NanoSail-D was designed and developed in only four months.