This quirky, small-format gift book provides an introduction to more than 200 of the latest additions to the ever-expanding English lexicon. Featuring one word per page together with a brief explanation and an example of usage, listings include such gems as 'denture venturer' (the older adventure traveller), 'textual harassment' (persistently insulting someone by text message) and 'blamestorming' (using a meeting to discuss who is responsible when something has gone wrong). This simple concept book provides both a fun gift and an interesting talking point sure to please word enthusiasts everywhere.
Check out phrasal verbs with the Longman Pocket Phrasal Verbs Dictionary .
When Gibson writes about persona , he considers it from the point of view of the creator , the author . Instead of looking at what has already been written , Gibson considers all the choices that an author might make , all the poses or ...
Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar uses real-world connections to develop writing, grammar, and communications skills for Grade 8.
Time for Spelling: 6
News for Now helps learners read, use, and enjoy English through the study of articles adapted from U.S. newspapers.
Designed for home study for children, 4th through 8th grade, the book is the revised and expanded version of Charlotte Mason's First Grammar Lessons.
征服者威廉,生于诺曼底公国的法莱斯,是诺曼底公爵罗伯特和皮匠之女阿莱塔之子。威廉年仅七岁时,罗伯特公爵前去耶路撒冷朝圣 ...