In The Right to Buy, Alan Murie provides an authoritative account of the origins, development and impact of the policy across the UK and proposals for its extension in England (and decisions to end it in Scotland and Wales).
In: Forrest, R. & Lee, J. (eds) Housing and Social Change: East-West Perspectives. Routledge, London and New York. Department of the Environment (1977a) Housing Policy: A Consultative Document, Cmnd 6851. HMSO, London.
An evaluation of the most enduring privatisation of the Thatcher era … Written in an accessible style, this is a key reference for students and researchers in housing and planning; geography; and social policy.
The Right to Buy: A National Follow-up Survey of Tenants of Council Homes in England
It is important that all the provisions of the deal are spelt out, including the circumstances in which housing associations have the right not to sell, as detailed in the agreement. (Paragraph 19) The Right to Buy 3.
Unlike the many studies that have focused on the costs of the policy and sought to show its negative impact, this book seeks to understand the Right to Buy on its own terms.
A Bill to Give Tenants of Private Property Owners the Right to Purchase Their Dwellings at a Reasonable Price Before...
Extending the Right to Buy to Housing Association Tenants
In her engaging study The Politics of Staying Put, Carolyn Gallaher focuses on a formal, city-sponsored initiative—The Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)—that helps people keep their homes.