Policing the Police: Challenges of Democracy and Accountability

Policing the Police: Challenges of Democracy and Accountability
Policing the Police
Social Science
Policy Press
Michael, Rowe


How does society hold its police to account? It’s a vital part of upholding law and liberty but changing modes of policing delivery and new technologies call for fresh thinking about the way we guard our guards. This much-needed new book from leading criminology professor Michael Rowe, part of the ‘Key Themes in Policing’ series, explores issues of governance, discipline and transparency, ranging across subjects including ethics, governance, discipline and transparency. The landmark new study: • Showcases how social change and rising inequalities make it more difficult to ensure meaningful accountability; • Addresses the impact of Evidence-Based Policing strategies on the direction and control of officers; • Sets out a game-changing agenda for ensuring democratic and answerable policing. For policing students and practitioners, it’s an essential guide to modern-day accountability.

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