Ib Theory of Knowledge (Tok) Student Book with EBook Access

Ib Theory of Knowledge (Tok) Student Book with EBook Access
International baccalaureate
Pearson Scott Foresman
Sue Bastian, Julian Kitching, Ric Sims


The new edition of Pearson Baccalaureate: Theory of Knowledge is written by an author team consisting of Julian Kitching and Ric Sims, highly regarded members of the curriculum review panel, and Sue Bastian, the architect of the original ToK curriculum. Key features: Provides comprehensive coverage of the new knowledge framework. Includes new chapters on religious and indigenous knowledge as a way to enrich the concept of knowledge and international-mindedness. Engages students in critical thinking relevant to their other courses and their life outside the classroom. Teaches students how to prepare and evaluate their work, including the Prescribed Essay and Student Presentation. Click here to learn more about the ToK 2nd edition cover image. You may be wondering why the cover photo of Pearson Baccalaureate's Theory of Knowledge 2nd Edition was chosen. The building featured in the photo is the planetarium at the site of the Bibliotheca Alexandra - The New Library of Alexandria, Egypt. Considered to be the largest and most significant library of the ancient world, the original Library of Alexandria aimed to capture the world's knowledge through the collection and storage of books. Following numerous fires which contributed to the eventual destruction of the library, The New Library of Alexandria was built in 2002 to commemorate and emulate the original. One of the library's objectives is to be a leading institution of the digital age and one way of achieving this goal is allowing visitors of the planetarium to learn through technology. We therefore thought it was the perfect choice of image to illustrate the move to digital that Pearson Baccalaureate is making, with the launch of more interactive digital resources to allow new ways of learning. We must admit it's also a spectacular building to look at, so that made the decision a bit easier! Click here to learn more about the New Library of Alexandria Pearson materials are developed independently from the IBO and are not endorsed by the IBO in any way. International Baccalaureate® is a registered trademark of the International Baccalaureate Organization.

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