Completely revised new editions of the market-leading Physics textbooks for HL and SL, written for the new 2014 Science IB Diploma curriculum. Now with an accompanying four-year student access to an enhanced eText, containing simulations, animations, quizzes, worked solutions, videos and much more. The enhanced eText is also available to buy separately and works on desktops and tablets. Follows the organizational structure of the new Physics guide, with a focus on the Essential Ideas, Understanding, Applications & Skills for complete syllabus-matching. Written by a highly experienced IB author, Chris Hamper, you can be confident that you and your students have all the resources you will need for the new Physics curriculum. Features: Nature of Science and TOK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning. Applications of the subject through everyday examples are described in utilization boxes, as well as brief descriptions of related industries, to help highlight the relevance and context of what is being learned. Differentiation is offered in the Challenge Yourself exercises and activities, along with guidance and support for laboratory work on the page and online. Exam-style assessment opportunities are provided from real past papers, along with hints for success in the exams, and guidance on avoiding common pitfalls. Clear links are made to the Learner profile and the IB core values. Table of Contents: Measurements and Uncertainties Mechanics Thermal Physics Oscillations and Waves Electricity and Magnetism Circular Motion and Gravitation Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics Energy Production Wave Phenomena Fields Electromagnetic Induction Quantum and Nuclear Physics Option A: Relativity Option B: Engineering Physics Option C: Imaging Option D: Astrophysics
Features: Nature of Science and TOK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning.
A standalone eText version (delivered on an access card with 4 years access) of the significantly revised edition of the Physics SL textbook in the Pearson Baccalaureate series, matched to the latest IB specification (2014).
Features: Nature of Science and ToK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning.
Features: Nature of Science and TOK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning.
An exciting new textbook with integrated online learning resources. For students and teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, written and developed by practising IB teachers.
This guide is perfect as both a study aide for coursework and as a review guide for the IB examination.
Pearson Baccalaureate Biology Standard Level 2nd Edition Print and Ebook Bundle for the IB Diploma: Industrial Ecology
Providing complete coverage of the latest syllabus requirements this book is written by two highly experienced IB Physics teachers and workshop leaders.
Pearson Baccalaureate Physics Higher Level 2nd Edition UPDF.
An exciting new textbook for students and teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, written and developed by practising IB teachers.