This comprehensive 2nd Edition textbook covers all eight topics from the 2015 ESS course, along with advice on Internal Assessment, the Extended Essay, and links to Theory of Knowledge. It will help students to prepare thoroughly and methodically for their examinations. Written by experienced IB teachers and examiners, Andrew Davis and Garrett Nagle. Detailed diagrams and photographs help to explain key concepts. Practice questions from past examination papers help you with exam preparation. Clear links to Theory of Knowledge throughout. ATL skills are addressed in Challenge Yourself boxes and the online worksheets. Significant ideas, big questions, and key concepts are signposted throughout. Provides guidance on Internal Assessment and the Extended Essay. Written to give an international and transdisciplinary perspective. Includes enhanced eText containing additional materials such as animations, videos, revision worksheets and quizzes.
Features: Nature of Science and ToK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning.
Chemistry, Higher Level, for the Ib Diploma (Etext) (Access Code Card) (Pearson Baccalaureate)
An exciting new textbook with integrated online learning resources. For students and teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma, written and developed by practising IB teachers.
I think that this is what we as teachers have been waiting for and GloPo would be offered in more schools once this book is available and teachers become aware of it.
Features: Nature of Science and TOK boxes throughout the text ensure an embedding of these core considerations and promote concept-based learning.
An exciting textbook for students and teachers of the International Baccalaureate Diploma.
Includes highly visual graphs and topical examples to aid students' understanding of real-world economics. Contains answers to quantitative exercises found throughout the book.
Student textbook and online resources for the latest curriculum A comprehensive textbook with interactive eText written by expert practising IB teachers.
Our new English B Textbook and eBook fully support the 2018 Subject Guide.
Providing complete coverage of the latest syllabus requirements, this book is written by two highly experienced IB Chemistry teachers, examiners and workshop leaders.