Explores the right to privacy and the government's interpretation of its meaning.
Privacy is one of the most important concepts of our time, yet it is also one of the most elusive. As rapidly changing technology makes information increasingly available, scholars, activists,...
The Right to Privacy
"Anyone hoping to understand the sometimes precarious state of privacy in modern America should start by reading this book.
Technology has had a great influence on the legal system, particularly the right to privacy. This book explains how individual rights are being challenged in cyberspace, through digital media, and the pursuit of national security.
With the inclusion of original and archival material, this book is a unique contribution to the history of the modern right to privacy.
Greenwich Lithographing, 31, 33–34 Lohan, Lindsey, 2 Lombardo, Guy, and Lombardo v. Doyle, Dane, Bernbach, 89 look-alikes, 184 Louis, Joe, 74 Louisiana, right of publicity and right of privacy in, 26, 192n31 Louisville Slugger baseball ...
This book presents the latest research on the challenges and solutions affecting the equilibrium between freedom of speech, freedom of information, information security and the right to informational privacy.
This book focuses on the right to privacy in the digital age with a view to see how it is implemented across the globe in different jurisdictions. The right to privacy is one of the rights enshrined in international human rights law.
The Poverty of Privacy Rights makes a simple, controversial argument: Poor mothers in America have been deprived of the right to privacy.
Before the Next Attack: Preserving Civil Liberties in an Age Of Terror. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2006. Alderman, Ellen, and Caroline Kennedy. The Right to Privacy. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1995. Andrews, Lori.