MYSTERY Global warming in the Antarctic releases a new animal species. A chemical derived from its tissue seems to allow humans to live indefinitely. After Dahl Pharmaceuticals initiates developing the drug, young employees start to die under suspicious circumstances. Sally wants to protect the reputation of her eponymous company but also scrutinize the death of her nephew, who works at Dahl. Seeking the truth behind one death exposes a global financial conspiracy intent to control the healthcare of the United States. Harry thought he had it all, a baby boomer with pensions. Despite a life framed by violence, he retires to watch the waves in Maine until his former lover invades his cottage and changes his life forever. Sally persuades him to work together in an adventure that solves murders and restrains control over human immortality. Death by RX exposes the machinations of individuals and the illicit global drug trade with the potential impact on mankind. This is an exciting mystery set in business about goals as disparate as the medicines managed. The story beyond the headlines shows how a couple can compete against conglomerates. They pursue the truth to stop a killer and save a new discovery to improve healthcare for the world.
"In the fall of 1821 Reverend William Cravens came to the new community of Indianapolis to minister to those of the Methodist faith.
"In the fall of 1821 Reverend William Cravens came to the new community of Indianapolis to minister to those of the Methodist faith.
George D. Watson, Fearless for Truth: Glimpses of the Life and Work of George Douglas Watson by His Wife
The book includes sidebars and content that will attract local history buffs, funeral industry insiders, and institutions closely aligned with the Buchanan family over the past 150 years.
The Insiders' Guide to Greater Indianapolis
James Tadd Adcox's darkly comedic first novel blends domesticity and espionage to narrate the disintegration of Robert and Viola's marriage.