Ideal for allied health and pre-nursing students, Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology: Body Systems, Second Edition, retains the engaging, student-friendly style and active learning approach for which award-winning author and educator Jeffrey Pommerville is known. Thoroughly revised and updated, the Second Edition presents diseases, complete with new content on recent discoveries, in a manner that is directly applicable to students and organized by body system. A captivating art program includes more than 150 newly added and revised figures and tables, while new feature boxes, Textbook Cases, serve to better illuminate key concepts. Pommerville's acclaimed learning design format enlightens and engages students right from the start, and new chapter conclusions round out each chapter, leaving readers with a clear understanding of key concepts.
Biological Sciences
Pommerville (biology and microbiology, Glendale Community College) provides new infectious disease coverage, with material on mad cow disease, SARS, and West Nile fever, plus a new chapter on genetic engineering...
This Popular Lab Manual Offers Thirty-Four Multi-Part Lab Exercises Designed To Provide Students With Basic Training In The Handling Of Microorganisms, While Exploring Microbial Properties And Uses.
Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology
However, most humans don't pick their mates by smelling sweaty T-shirts. So, Craig Roberts at the University of Liverpool wondered if there was a relationship between human faces and MHC. After determining the MHC for a large group, ...
Alcamo's Fund of Microbiology
The Student Study Guide to accompany Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology, Ninth Edition contains important information to help you study, take effective class notes, prepare properly for exams, and even to manage your time effectively.
Alcamo Fundamentals of Microbiology
Alcamo (microbiology, State U. of New York) presents 18 chapters that discuss the foundations of microbiology, the bacteria, bacterial diseases of humans, other microorganisms, disease and resistance, control of microorganisms, and ...
Highly suitable for non-science majors, the fully revised and updated third edition of this bestselling text contains new pedagogical elements and an established learning design format that improves comprehension and retention and makes ...