Sports Law looks at major court cases, statutes, and regulations that explore a variety of legal issues in the sports industry. The early chapters provide an overview of sports law in general terms and explore its impact on race, politics, religion, and everyday affairs. Later chapters address hot button issues such as gender equity, drug testing, and discrimination. Written from a sport management perspective, rather than from a lawyer s, this text covers all the major areas presented in sports law today including: cases relating to torts, contracts, intellectual property, and agents. Factual scenarios throughout the text allow students to critically examine and apply sport management principles to legal issues facing the sports executive. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition."
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of sports law in the United States deals with the regulation of sports activity by both public authorities and private sports organizations.
Continuing its analysis, the district court noted that even under the McCarthy balancing approach, Barnes falls short because (1) he would have not been subjected to undue delay or sustained irreparable harm had he pursued AAA ...
... “History of Doping in Sport,” International Sport Studies 24, no. 1, 2002. Yasser, Ray, McCurdy, James R., Goplerud, C. Peter, and Weston, Maureen A., Sports Law: Cases and Materials, 7th ed., Anderson, Cincinnati, OH, 2011.
Patent licensing business models in the light of patent reassignment data. ... NCAA (2018–2019). Division I Manual. ... Retrieved from
The essays in this volume also canvass the types of legal controversies in sports likely to surface in the future. This is particularly true of law and technology matters, including those related to broadcasting and streaming.
This text-professional guide serves as an invaluable resource to those involved, or studying to become involved, in the vast industry of sports.
The Sports Law Handbook examines sports and its relationship to various areas of law, as well as the legal liabilities and responsibilities of coaches, administrators, managers, and institutions that have a relationship to the sports field.
Sports Law: Cases and Materials
For scholars in other fields it serves as a legal primer and a quick survey of cases and issues. The book is especially useful in college libraries as a source of answers to sports questions and a reliable resource for writing term papers.
In January 2017, Philadelphia Eagles' offensive lineman Lane Johnson sued both the NFLPA and NFL in response to a ... 2, 2019, articles/1184816/nfl-gets-quick-win-in-eagles-player-s-suit-over-drug-ban.