Introduction to Law and Criminal Justice provides a comprehensive overview of the foundational legal issues in criminal justice. Written in an easy-to-understand format, it focuses on three areas of law relevant to criminal justice: substantive criminal law; constitutional issues that demand balancing individual liberties and governmental authority; and constitutional criminal procedure. This thorough introduction relies on edited judicial decisions with explanatory text, thus allowing readers to hone their analytical and critical thinking skills as they interpret the judicial decisions. This case method of study encourages students to examine both the majority and dissenting rationales and offers insight into the changing nature of precedent and how legal principles are adapted and applied under different factual circumstances. With its careful explanation of judicial decisions, this text offers students an excellent introduction to legal analysis and will prepare them for further study of law, social values, and criminal justice. Key Features: • Provides a student-friendly introduction to criminal justice and the case method of study. • Presents carefully edited judicial decisions with accompanying explanation, to offer case material that is accessible to undergraduate introductory-level students. • Focuses on three areas of law relevant to criminal justice — substantive criminal law, constitutional issues evoking tensions between governmental authority and individual liberties, and constitutional criminal procedure. • Includes discussions of select high-profile cases, including Kitty Genovese, Westboro Baptist Church, Andrea Yates, and Brian Mitchell, to provide students with examples of how legal principles have been applied in publicized and newsworthy cases. Resources: • Instructor resources include an Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoint Lecture Outlines. • Every new print copy is packaged with full access to the student companion website featuring a variety of engaging and interactive study tools (*eBook offerings do not include access code).
Introduction to Law & Criminal Justice
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This accessible text enables criminology and criminal justice students to understand and critically evaluate criminal law in the context of criminal justice and wider social issues.
This Study Guide gives your students extensive practice tests to help them review for their course.
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
In 1908, Nevada lawmakers organized the Nevada State Police to counter miners' strikes in Goldfield and Tonopah. The law enforcement personnel, after quieting the unrest in those two towns, were transferred to Rawhide and then to Carson ...
Introduction to Criminal Justice combines up-to-date information with hands-on activities to immerse students in the constantly evolving criminal justice system.
Lord Hale, in 1 Hale P.C. 629, suggested that by consenting and entering into a marital contract, the wife thereby consents to all forms of sexual intercourse, consensual and forcible. This theory uses principles of implied consent to ...
The section on the criminal justice system has been moved to the beginning of the text, a new chapter on community policing has been added, the chapter on careers has been moved to the end, and a second four-color photo essay has been added ...
... Marcus, 70, 72 Feminist theories, 69–70, 71t Ferguson, Missouri shooting, 176, 180, 238,240f Ferris, Keaton, 425 Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs), 421 Field training officers (FTOs), 149 Fifth Amendment overview, 199, 212–214, 212b, ...