Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice

Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice
Public Health Leadership
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Louis Rowitz


During the last twenty years, the interest in public health leadership has continued to increase with the need to strengthen the infrastructure of public health, the events of September 11, 2001, the health reform movement, scientific breakthroughs, the increasing role for primary care programs in the public health agenda, and the increasing deficit at the federal, state, and local level. Since the publication of the first edition in 2003, Public Health Leadership: Putting Principles Into Practice has become a standard reference for future and practicing public health leaders. In five parts, it explores the basic theories and principles of leadership and then describes how they may be applied in the public health setting. Leadership skills and competencies, as well as methods for measuring and evaluating leaders are all thoroughly covered. This new third editioin is an exhaustive revision that now includes extensive coverage of the leadership skills and tools that are critical to managing public health emergencies. It also offers: • Updated exercises and case studies throughout • New chapter on Building Infrastructure, • New chapter on Accreditation, • New chapter on the Global Public Health Leader • New accompanying online Instructor’s Manual with over 100 references on leadership, additional case studies, curriculum guide, toolkit, and additional exercises.

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