Criminal Investigations & Forensic Science
Consider multiple geographical behavioral scenarios. The investigative information in the case can be used to create a geographical scenario about the relative importance of certain crime ... Prostitueemoorden in kaart gebracht.
The Rape Investigation Handbook is the first practical and hands-on manual written by sex crime investigators and forensic scientists, providing students with first-hand insight into the work of these professionals.
Stopping rape as a weapon of war in Congo. Retrieved January 25, 2013, Jackson, A., Gilliland, K., & Veneziano, L. (2006). Routine activity theory and sexual deviance among male ...
This latest edition addresses rape and sexual assaults from all clinical, pathological, medical, and legal aspects.
Featuring experienced law enforcement officers from around the country, this book guides the reader through the emerging trends and new laws impacting sex crimes and analyzes how they are influencing investigations.
"Two Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists tell the riveting true crime story of a teenager charged with lying about having been rapedand the detectives who followed a winding path to arrive at the truth"--
The book will be essential reading for academics, students, law enforcement officers, those who provide services to sexual assault victims and victims themselves.
The second edition is reorganized to flow from the alleged assault to a courtroom trial.
This collection of articles and investigative reports is a touching, in-depth look at an endemic problem at universities across America and should be required reading for not only campus and sexual health educators, but for university ...
This is a print on demand edition of a hard to find publication.