The Second Edition of Health Program Planning and Evaluation will help you to systematically develop, thoughtfully implement, and rigorously evaluate health programs across a variety of health disciplines. This thorough revision includes updated examples and references throughout, reflecting the major changes within the field. This outstanding resource prepares students and professionals to become savvy consumers of evaluation reports and prudent users of evaluation consultants. It presents practical tools and concepts in language suitable for both the practicing and novice health program planner and evaluator.
A Practical, Systematic Approach for Community Health Michele Issel. Use of the Public Health Pyramid in Program Planning and Evaluation Health programs exist across the pyramid levels, and evaluations of these programs are needed ...
Creating Behavioral, Environmental, and Policy Change Lawrence W. Green, Andrea Carlson Gielen, Judith M. Ottoson, ... Lung Association • Center for Multicultural Health • Community Coalition for Environmental Justice • League of Women ...
Health Program Planning and Evaluation, Fourth Edition carefully walks the reader through the process for developing, implementing, and evaluating successful community health promotion programs.
A Practical, Systematic Approach for Community Health L. Michele Issel, Rebecca Wells. Lo, J.Y. (2014). Measuring patient satisfaction in ... Pearson, M. L., Wu, S., Schaefer, J., Bonomi, A. E., Shortell, S. M., & Mendel, P. (2005).
Azzam T. Evaluators' responsiveness to stakeholders. Am J Eval. 2010;3(1):45–65. 14. Mark MM, Shotland RL. ... Posavac EJ, Carey RG. Program Evaluation: Methods and Case Studies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.; 2007.
Packed with relevant examples and detailed explanations, the book offers a step-by-step approach that fully prepares readers to apply research methods in the practice of health program evaluation.
Campbell, D. T. & Stanley, J. C. (1963). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Cook, T. D. & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: Design and analysis issues for field settings.
Abstract: The six chapters of this text present the basic elements of community health education program planning and evaluation. The first chapter outlines an overall model of the program planning...
Divided into 3 parts, Introduction to Public Health Program Planning begins with an introduction to the basics of planning, health determinants, and behaviors.
The concepts and approaches presented in this book provide an efficient approach to planning, program development, and evaluation for all health and human service populations.