Fundamentals of Audiology for the Speech-Language Pathologist is specifically written for the speech-language pathologist working with hearing impaired populations. This helpful text incorporates the expertise of audiologists along with the knowledge and experience of speech-language pathologists and combines the theories and training of both disciplines in order to facilitate the practical application of foundational audiologic information into speech language pathology practice. This comprehensive text also covers the type and degree of hearing loss and the resulting auditory, speech, and language difficulties. The speech-language pathologist (SLP) may find him- or herself working in a wide range of settings, including medical, educational, rehabilitative, and industrial. Regardless of the setting, throughout their career they are quite likely to find themselves working with an individual who is hard of hearing or deaf. It is perhaps even more likely that the SLP will work with multiply impaired individuals with a wide variety of comorbidities, one of which may be hearing loss. Fundamentals of Audiology for the Speech-Language Pathologist will help prepare SLP students and professionals with key knowledge for a wide-range of clinical encounters involving hard of hearing and deaf populations. Fundamentals of Audiology for the Speech-Language Pathologist is consistent with the current education philosophy of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Specifically, it addresses both knowledge and skills by integrating the science and technical aspects of audiology with current habilitative and rehabilitative strategies of the field. Pedagogical features include Chapter Objectives, Key Terms, Chapter Summaries, and Discussion Questions. KEY TOPICS Behavioral and objective auditory screening and assessment, interpretation of results, and treatment considerations Concomitant acoustic, speech, language, and communication effects associated with different types and degrees of hearing impairment The hearing impaired child in the school setting, including description of laws for children with hearing impairment, parental rights, classroom modifications, and troubleshooting techniques for amplification and assistive listening devices A review of the evaluation of speech and language skills in the hearing impaired population and a list of appropriate tools for use by speech-language pathologists to assess these abilities Social emotional and counseling issues ANIMATIONS Sound Traveling Through the Ear Standard Testing Protocol and Procedures Normal Hearing Minimal Hearing Loss Otitis Media Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss "Cookie Bite" Audiogram Mixed Hearing Loss High Frequency Hearing Loss Profound Hearing Loss Soundfield Testing Pseudohypacusis Instructor Resources: Instructor s Manual, PowerPoint Presentations, Test Bank Student Resources: Navigate Companion Website"
This introduction to audiology text emphasizes the technical and scientific aspects of audiology, blended with other essential humanistic skills–active listening, empathy, client/family-centered protocols and collaboration with family members and...
This unique guide uses original models and inventive techniques to impart the most helpful approaches to counseling as part of the therapy process in speech-language pathology and audiology.
Next, the book relates the nervous anatomic systems to language, speech, and hearing. The text also covers clinical speech syndromes and disorders. The book will be most useful to speech pathologists and therapists.
Olsen, E. S., Duifhuis, H., & Steele, C. R. (2012). vonBékésy and cochlear mechanics. Hearing Research, 293, 31–43. (laryngopharynx, oropharynx, nasopharynx), velum, tongue, mandible, and lips. Their anatomy.
Implementation Tools for Speech-Language Pathologists in Education Lesley Sylvan ... Quick Interactive Language Screener (QUILS). Brookes Publishing. ... A meta-analysis of writing instruction for students in the el- ementary grades.
Now in its Fourth Edition, this book is designed for students in audiology or students desiring a broad, in-depth survey of the profession. The logical progression from fundamentals to more...
This book provides a life-span perspective on organic and neurogenic disorders of communication. The book presents current theories in the context of clinical practice and combines a medical approach to...
The rooting reflex involves orienting toward the direction of tactile stimulation to the cheek. ... and physiology of an infant and that of an adult. a. larynx is elevated in infant b. tongue fills greater ProPortion of oral cavity 11.
The text opens with a brief historical review of motor speech disorders, providing useful context for understanding the technology and methodology modern speech-language pathologists employ for evaluation and treatment today.
The book concludes with an overview of basic principles of assessment and key considerations for providing Alternative and Augmentative interventions.