Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice is included in the 2015 edition of the essential collection of Doody’s Core Titles. Communication Sciences and Disorders: From Science to Clinical Practice is an excellent introductory text for undergraduate students enrolled in their first course in communication sciences and disorders. Written by experts in the field, this text contains basic information about speech disorders that are related to impairments in articulation, voice, and fluency; language disorders in children and adults; and hearing disorders that cause conductive and sensorineural hearing losses. It includes basic information on the speech, language, and hearing sciences and practical information about assessment and intervention practices. Unlike some other introductory text books, this book also includes chapters on multicultural issues, deafness, dysarthria, and dysphagia.
Peña and BaRBaRa l. daviS LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. To understand what a language disorder is. 2. To differentiate between language problems in the areas of language form, content, and use. 3. To become familiar with different service ...
The fifth edition of Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders uses detailed illustrations and easy-to-read text to introduce the broad range of topics in the field. Its contents provide a...
"ASHA's Multicultural Issues Board has compiled this collection of thought-provoking, guided scenarios for audiologists and speech-language pathologists.
Clinical approaches to emergent literacy intervention (2nd ed.). Plural Publications. Justice, L. M., Chow, S., Capellini, C., Flanigan, K., & Colton, S. (2003). Emergent literacy intervention for vulnerable preschoolers: Relative ...
Describe the development of emergent literacy. 4. Explain the importance of ... Discuss areas of communication in which clinicians might use scaffolding. 4. ... Clinical approaches to emergent literacy intervention (2nd ed.).
It all makes for a fascinating area of study and practice, particularly when considering the importance of the topic. This book provides readers with the basics of human communication without shying away from the controversies.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders is an in-depth encyclopedia aimed at students interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on human communication—both normal and disordered—across the lifespan.
Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders is an exciting, new full-color textbook introducing concepts in communication sciences and disorders. Written in accessible, engaging and caring language, it is rooted in...
We now know that a number of children who have poor oral language skills, as well as poor phonological awareness, experience difficulty learning to read and spell (Hayiou-Thomas, Carroll, Leavett, Hulme, & Snowling, 2017).
New to the Fourth Edition: * New author: Jaimie L. Gilbert for an enhanced audiology perspective * New chapter: Writing a Literature Review * Reorganized for better flow of information * Various new and updated references to reflect the ...