With its user-friendly question and answer format, Teaching Health Education in Language Diverse Classrooms guides prospective and current health education teachers in elementary and secondary school settings in designing, implementing, assessing, and evaluating active, achievement focused activities for diverse learners. The activities in this text are designed to increase all student learning, achievement, and success in the learner diverse regular education classroom. Each chapter provides best practices and models for replication and suggestions for instructional success. The variety of instructional strategies in Teaching Health Education in Language Diverse Classrooms helps facilitate the student s development in critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills."
Covering cultural and linguistic diversity as well as special educational needs, this guide helps teachers set up an inclusive classroom; adapt curriculum, instruction, and assessment; and more.
Intended for a multidisciplinary team of providers, Teaching Strategies for Health Care and Health establishes a foundation of how, why, what, and when people of all ages learn and how learning can positively affect a patient, a family, and ...
" -Steve Hutton, Educational Consultant, Highly Skilled Educator Program Kentucky Department of Education "This book is a wonderful contribution to the field.
"This book is a useful text for districts trying to understand their ELL populations and for mainstream teachers trying to help their ELL students." —Faith Chaney, ESOL Teacher Hickory Hills Middle School, Springfield, MO "A realistic ...
Acknowledgements Section 1. Foundations 3 Chapter 1. Introduction: How to Use this Manual.. ................... Chapter 2. How Do We Understand Difference?. ...................... 17 Section 2.
Health Education Teaching Strategies--Elementary and Middle Grades and Health Education Teaching Strategies-- Middle and High School Grades is a complication of teaching ideas from the American Journal of Health...
Campus Wide Systems, 20(1), 17–24 Widen, E., Pellechia, K. M., & Schneider, J. K. (2007). Health Literacy Resource List for Educators. Beltsville, MD: Food and Nutrition Information Center Agricultural Research Service, USDA.
This highly readable book by Dr. Sharroky Hollie explores the pedagogy of culturally responsive teaching, and includes tips, techniques, and activities that are easy to implement in today's classrooms.
Claudia G., teacher Taking the time to teach fact-finding skills in a step-by-step way · teaches students many strategies for finding information; · provides options for ... Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, 51(2), 5–79.
Filled with practical applications and examples, the book is written with students' future professional experiences in mind and provides teaching strategies and learning activities for diverse learning populations.