Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society

Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society
Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Amy Hurd, Daniel McLean, University of Nevada Las Vegas Daniel McLean


With a new full-color design with perforated worksheets, the Tenth Edition of Kraus' Recreation and Leisure in Modern Society provides a detailed introduction to the history, developments, and current trends in leisure studies. It addresses contemporary issues facing the recreation and leisure profession and focuses on challenges and opportunities that impact the profession now as well as years from now. Extensive research into emerging trends helps support the text and provide insights into the future. Focusing on the ten different types of organizations --ranging from nonprofit community organizations and armed forces recreation to sports management and travel and tourism sponsors -- this classic text text is an invaluable resource for students considering a career in the recreation and leisure industry. New to the Tenth Edition: - Discusses how specific trends, such as dramatic shifts in population make-up, the impact of technology, and marketing affect leisure-service systems and the recreation and park professions. - Focus on the role of parks and recreation on the health and wellness of our communities as well as means to combat the obesity epidemic in North America. - Includes new case studies which allow students to apply knowledge of technology in leisure, identify the value and benefits of play, and recognize the changing family structures of our modern society.

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