Updated to keep pace with the latest data and statistics, Drugs and Society, Twelfth Edition, contains the most current information available concerning drug use and abuse. Written in an objective and user-friendly manner, this best-selling text continues to captivate students by taking a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of average individuals.A new modern design and robust ancillary package help students understand and retain key learning objectives from each chapter and prepare for class. Key Features Include:- Family Matters: Examples of how genetics and heredity contribute to drug abuse and its issues.- Prescription for Abuse: Current stories that illustrate the problems of prescription abuse and its consequences.- Holding the Line: Vignettes intended to help readers assess governmental efforts to deal with drug-related problems.- Case in Point: Examples of relevant clinical issues that arise from the use of each major group of drugs discussed.- Here and Now: Current events that illustrate the personal and social consequences of drug abuse.- Highlighted definitions: Definitions of new terminology are conveniently located on the same page of their discussion in the text.- Learning objectives: Goals for learning are listed at the beginning of each chapter to help students identify the principal concepts being taught.- Summary statements: Concise summaries found at the end of each chapter correlate with the learning objectives.- Chapter questions: Provocative questions at the end of each chapter encourage students to discuss, ponder, and critically analyze their own feelings and biases about the information presented in the book.
Written in an objective and user-friendly manner, this best-selling text continues to captivate students by incorporating personal drug use and abuse experiences and perspectives throughout.
Humphreys, K., Eng, T., & Lee, S. (2013, May 29). Stimulant medication and substance use outcomes. ... Massanella, M., Gianella, S., Schrier, R., Dan, J. M., PérezSantiago, J., Oliveira, M. F., ... , Morris, S. R. (2015).
The focus of this edited collection is a thoughtful multidisciplinary presentation of past and present U.S. drug policies and whether they are winning the so-called war on drugs (they aren't!).
Written in an objective and user-friendly manner, this best-selling text continues to captivate students by taking a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of drug use and abuse on the lives of average individuals.
Weak research designs characterisesome studies that have investigated therole of medicinal marijuana, and similarto other politicised research topics, readers' opinions can determine the interpretationof findings (Robson, 2001).
... H. Rolofil Tetrazoom 23:E F. Triazolam #37 H. Hälton oãolon 273. h onală onlp dem *733 H. Ambien, of not varial 5thedule V Codeine preparations (200mg/100m or 100g) Coany, Robituosin A-C, Cheruro. Cero, Pediacrif Dosonoximporation ...
Collins & Messerschmidt found that alcohol was present in more than half of all reported incidences of domestic abuse. Further, “[a]nother study ... [showed] ... that the percentage of batterers who are under the influence of alcohol ...
Parker, H., Aldridge, J., and Measham, F. (1998). Illegal leisure: the normalisation of adolescent drug use. London: Routledge. Pearson, G. (1987a) The new heroin users. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pearson, G. (1987b) Social deprivation, ...
This handbook provides a comprehensive examination of the past and present roles of drugs in society with a focus on theory, research, policy, and practice.
Drugs in Society: Causes, Concepts, and Control, Eighth Edition, focuses on the many critical areas of America's drug problem, providing a foundation for rational decision-making within this complex and multidisciplinary field.