Open Your Eyes: A Book of Redemption

Open Your Eyes: A Book of Redemption
Open Your Eyes
WestBow Press
Angie Briggs Frye


We all have dreams and plans for our lives, but what happens when they start to unravel or get lost altogether? It can be easy to stay in a desperate, hopeless way of living, but we have a God who is ready to give us hope. No one ever said it would be easy, this thing called life; in fact, Jesus said in John 16:33 that In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world. This is my story of finding God after my plans failed and my dreams died. My hope was shattered and my heart was left in many broken pieces. I knew that God was the only way I could get through the pain. I cried out to Him and He answered. God spoke to my heart in a special way and let me know that He could hear me. God was waiting patiently for me to turn to Him, to trust Him; to get to know Him, and once I did I came to know the kindness of Jesus and the power of His saving grace. I realized that my greatest disappointments and toughest trials revealed the inner strength I had deep inside. Through these trials I came to know the meaning of the word redeemed and to understand the price that Jesus paid for my sins. He helped me to accept His love so that I can be ALL that He has called me to be. Through this study I pray that you will see that He wants to do that for you too! Just open your eyes Seek Him and you will find Him! Matthew 7:7

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