We do not have to travel to some foreign country to locate the mission field. Right here, literally in our backyards, the world has come to us. The church’s basic mission is to preach the gospel of the kingdom of God; this message has social and political aspects to its application. This is the fundamental responsibility of the church. This message is holistic and affects the total person. As the church develops a comprehensive and practical understanding of missions, this will propel Christians to act out their missional call. The challenge as to how to be truly missional requires those people considered to be disciples to engage their communities in their everyday lives. To capture the full essence of missions, this book introduces a process called strategic evangelism. This process serves to raise awareness by helping to clarify the nature of the structures and practices of the church relating to its missional focus, to develop a better awareness of local missions, and to introduce a process that will assist people to live out the mission by engaging their communities.
Provides a detailed examination of the principles, concepts and charectaristics of the Kingdom of God, incliding Kings and Lords, Territory and Law, Citizens and Royal privillege, Culture and Economy as well as Destiny.
The Kingdom
Because of this, people have lost faith in the Church. This book was written to address and to correct those issues.
With wisdom and purpose, God has entrusted you with a portion of His estate to manage and expand on His behalf. In this compelling book, Dr. Tony Evans shows that stewardship is much bigger than managing your money well.
A Study Guide and a Teacher’s Manual Gospel Principles was written both as a personal study guide and as a teacher’s manual.
This is not poetry, prose, narrative, historical narrative, biographical, nor autobiographical. This is Bible. If you want to go deeper, wider, & farther in the Lords, this is the book for you. Read it & get BLESSED!
The Kingdom of God Is Within You, is a non-fiction book written by Leo Tolstoy. A philosophical treatise, the book was first published in Germany in 1894 after being banned...
time ago, I noticed some fissures had appeared on one of the inside walls of our home. So I called a painter to patch them up with plaster and repaint the wall. After he had finished, everything looked as good as new.
These are hearing a special "Word" from the Lord concerning the establishing of His Kingdom as a present reality. Many are searching to find information that relates to this Kingdom Word that they are hearing but have been unable to find.
Through this series, the author uniquely outlines how God has used personal experiences from the author’s life in each devotional, to educate him and now his readers, on principles of God’s Kingdom and how the understanding and ...