Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's Guidebook

Overcoming ADHD Without Medication: A Parent and Educator's Guidebook
Createspace Independent Pub
Association for Youth Children and Natural Psychology


What is ADHD and what are the symptoms? What can parents do to help children overcome ADHD? Can this be accomplished without medication? A Complete ADHD book. What drugs are being used for ADHD and are they effective? What are the side effects and are they serious? What can educators do to help children with ADHD to be successful. What about childhood depression? Can anything be done to help children naturally? These and many more questions are answered in this concise and practical book. It assists parents and teachers to help children to succeed. It also has valuable information for professionals such as pediatricians and psychologists. There is much that parents can do to help children overcome ADHD symptoms, and medication rarely provides a permanent solution. Through practical measures and lifestyle changes, parents can help children be successful. This book provides many additional resources, websites, books and organizations, that can help parents to help their children. It provides ideas for teachers, special education teachers and principals. * Illustrated * Recommended Reading * Extensive Bibliography * Index Six years of field work and research went into the production of this book and it is thorough and accurate, including the most recent educational and scientific information. The methods and ideas described here have been field-tested and do work. Sometimes the results are astounding, with rapid progress in a short period of time. This book represents the life work of many public school educators and other professionals who work daily with children who have special needs, and was developed by public school educators. * Did you know that, many children with ADHD are highly visually-oriented? As a result, they may respond to visual stimuli more than other children. Doing artwork can be stabilizing for many children and adults with ADHD. * Diet can make a difference. Cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates can positively affect the behavior and focus of some children. * Educational remediation is recommended before experimenting with medications. * Sleep disorders and child abuse can mistakenly be diagnosed for ADHD. * ADHD treated with stimulant drugs can sometimes result in symptoms of bipolar disorder. - Children need love and attention. - Children need good nutrition and a healthy breakfast daily. - Minimizing the time that a child spends watching TV and playing video games can yield positive results for many children. - "Green therapy," regular time outdoors, and with nature, is effective therapy for ADHD and childhood depression. ADHD and the Medical Model Many reputable child psychologists and child psychiatrists do not agree with the current, prevalent view of psychiatry based on the "medical model" of labeling and prescribing drugs. There are other models in mental health which more adequately and holistically describe the many interrelated factors of mental health, especially when touching on the mental health of children. __________________________________________ Reviews -----Practical measures and lifestyle changes with some additional resources that can help parents assist their children based on thorough and accurate research done on the subject. Lifestyle changes can help children succeed in both school and at home, even without medication. Very useful. EduMags Media. Education Online, Resource Guide and Information for Teachers, Lecturers and Students. -----You can find the solution How to Overcome ADHD Without Medication. Mom and Kids - Pregnancy and Parenting -----There is no doubt that after reading this book, any parent of a child or person suffering from ADHD will be well informed on all of the avenues of treatment. It's an easy read, it's well laid out, and based on research. I would definitely recommend this to my patients and anyone else who has or knows someone with ADHD. Maiysha Clairborne, MD

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