The goal of this fictional epic tale is to bring about a pragmatic understanding of prophetic events found in the book of Revelation and other principal scriptures. My duty here is to bring you into each short story, that is, to present the stories in such a way you are living the experience. These stories deal with information about biblical truths: plagues, wars, famines, and pestilence. A story is a helper in understanding the truth. Yeshua used parables, short stories to convey absolutes. My hope is that if you are not a diligent reader of scripture, then this fictional tale will inspire you to become one.
Anderson's notion of the “Imagined Community” (Anderson, 1983)311 was based on the spread of “print capitalism” as having given rise to: “the nation: it is an imagined community—and imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign” ...
The volume offers a corrective to claims following the 2016 US presidential election that the current moment is unprecedented, highlighting the pivotal role of the classroom in contextualizing and responding to our perilous times.
Perilous Times: An Inside Look at Abortion Before-and After-Roe v.
Focusing on the link between the ways disasters are framed by the stories told about them and how people tend to respond to them in practice, Rigby also shows how works of narrative fiction invite ethical reflection on human relations with ...
... 2015. Washington Post, “Burundi's Perilous Times”, 2016. Economist: Nigeria: Opportunity Knocks”, June 20, 2015. “Most Dangerously Polluted Cities”, 2004. Economist: “Pollution in India and China: Indian Winter”, Feb. 7, ...
... 2015. Dürbeck, Gabriele and Urte Stobbe, eds. Ecocriticism: Eine Einführung. Vienna: Böhlau, 2015. Ermisch, Maren ... Perilous Times. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2015. Riordan, Colin, ed. Green Thought in German ...
88M Barelli, 'The Role of Soft Law in the International Legal System: the Case of the United Nations Declaration on the ... Law and Environment' in RV Percival, J Lin and W Piermattei (eds), Global Environmental Law at a Crossroads ...
Dassow Walls, in Chapter 1, explores how the 'Anthropocene' compels writers to reimagine the Earth. ... as 'open field' poetry, 'cli-fi', post-colonial crime fiction, green theatre, photography, 'interspecies design' and world-building ...
" These are two versions of the same book, with some differences in content and presentation. The new edition of "Prepare for Persecution" includes some new material that was written with Doug Hagmann's listeners in mind.
... (2015). Tooth Fairy Science and Fairy Tale Science. The Skeptic's Dictionary. Retrieved from ... Perilous Times. APS News 18(4): 5, 7. Marek-Crnjac, L. (2013). Modification of Einstein's E=MC2 to E=1/22 MC2. American ...