If you think going to the moon was a remarkable accomplishment for America, then you would certainly think the same about the mission of Lewis and Clark! Read about these famous adventurers who with their team, the Corps of Discovery, crossed uncharted land in the early 1800s. The expedition was a great success, despite the most difficult and dangerous conditions. Courage and perseverance paid off.
( The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition , Vol . ... these coarse blue beads are their f [ av ] orite merchandiz , and are called by them tia Commashuck ' or Chiefs beads . the best wampum is not so much esteemed by them as the ...
(Superb fictionalized account of the expedition from a dog's point of view) Lasky, Kathryn. ... O'Dell, Scott. Streams to the River, River to the Sea: A Novel of Sacagawea. Houghton Mifflin, 1986. ... Simon & Schuster, 1997.
Dog Gone West: The Story of Lewis and Clark and a Dog Named Seaman
Describes the journey of Lewis and Clark as they explored the land west of the Mississippi and tells about the help they received along the way.
Hands-on, science-based, multidisciplinary activities for 8-12-year-olds. Full color illustrations on every page.
This story is about one of my ancestors who was on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
A brief biography of Sacagawea, the Shoshoni woman who accompanied explorers Lewis and Clark on their expedition in the early 1800s.
Joe, Fred, and Sam travel back in time to 1805 and join the Lewis and Clark expedition and share in its dangers.
The Ballads of Lewis and Clark
In 2003, Americans began celebrating the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition (1803-1806), a journey of discovery that proved a seminal moment in the history of the exploration of the North American continent.