Authored by two leading researchers in the athletic training field, the Second Edition of Therapeutic Modalities: The Art and Science provides the knowledge needed to evaluate and select the most appropriate modalities to treat injuries. The authors use an informal, student-friendly writing style to hold students' interest and help them grasp difficult concepts. The unique approach of the text teaches aspiring clinicians both the how and the why of therapeutic modality use, training them to be decision-making professionals rather than simply technicians. The Second Edition is revised and expanded to include the latest research in therapeutic modalities. New material has been added on evidence-based practice, and other areas, such as pain treatment, are significantly expanded. It retains the successful format of providing the necessary background information on the modalities, followed by the authors' "5-Step Application Procedure." New photos, illustrations, and case studies have also been added.
Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000, pp 94-95. Sjolund B, Terenius L, Eriksson M. Increased cerebrospinal fluid levels of endorphins after electroacupuncture. Acta Physiol Scand. 1977;100:382-384. Dolan M, Mendel F. Clinical ...
This book provides theoretically based but practically oriented guide to the use of therapeutic modalities for students in physical therapy programs.
Presented in full color, the text describes various concepts, principles, and theories that are supported by scientific research, factual evidence, and experience of the authors in dealing with various conditions. • Essential text for ...
Crawford, F., D. Atkins, and J. Edwards. 2000. ... Ebenbichler, G.R., C.B. Erdogmus, K.I. Resch, M.A. Funovics, F. Kainberger, G. Barisani, M. Aringer, P. Nicolakis, G.F. Weisinger, M. Baghestanian, E. Preisinger, and V. Fialka-Moser.
Fowler JR, Munsch M, Tosti R, Hagberg WC, Imbriglia JE. Comparison of ultrasound and electrodiagnostic testing for diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome: study using a validated clinical tool as the reference standard.
The most comprehensive book on therapeutic modalities A Doody's Core Title! Provides a theoretically based but practically oriented guide to the use of therapeutic modalities. Perfect for the required...
Physical Therapists and Rehabilitation Physicians will find this new volume on the use of therapeutic agents in rehabilitation to be highly valuable. Among the topics covered are thermal agents, electricity,...
This text is a contributed work by well-known trainers and educators, written under the direction of Dr. Prentice. The 6/e continues to be the only text developed specifically for athletic trainers.
Fritz, J.M., W. Lindsay, J.W. Matheson, G.P. Brennan, S.J. Hunter, S.D. Moffit, A. Swalberg, and B. Rodriquez. 2007. Is there a subgroup of patients with low back pain likely to benefit from mechanical traction?
By adopting a translational approach, the book first comprehensively covers the basic science, mechanisms and concepts, which is followed by advanced state-of-art of cardio-oncology.