The Washington Manual of Nephrology Subspecialty Consult has been thoroughly updated and covers inpatient and outpatient management of nephrology with the same clinical practicality as the widely-popular Washington Manual™ of Medical Therapeutics. It has been written by the residents, fellows, and attending physicians of the distinguished Washington University School of Medicine and is tailored for residents performing inpatient consults, students working on an inpatient medicine service, and specialists seeking fast-access information on the management of common renal diseases. Organized for quick and easy access to information, this handbook includes sections on general approaches to kidney disease, electrolyte and acid-base disorders, acute kidney injury and continuous renal replacement, causes of kidney disease, pregnancy and nephrolithiasis, and chronic kidney disease. Appendices include dosing adjustments for antimicrobials and antiretrovirals and a listing of red flag drugs that may cause renal impairment. Don’t miss the other key topics in The Washington Manual™ Subspecialty Consult Series: · Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology · Gastroenterology · Hematology and Oncology · Infectious Disease · Rheumatology The Washington Manual™ is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by LWW under license from Washington University.
This edition offers state-of-the-art content on diagnosis and treatment, including new chapters on transplant management.
Key points about the diagnosis and management of disorders are bulleted for easy reference. This edition also includes illustrations.
In this edition, color has been added for better navigation, new decision support algorithms have been added, and an improved templated and bulleted format facilitates a quicker answer.
Written by Washington University residents, fellows, and endocrine faculty, this handbook is ideal for students, housestaff, and fellows involved in inpatient and outpatient endocrinology consults.
Prepared by residents, fellows, and attending physicians, this handy guide is ideal for residents called on to do an inpatient consult, for students working on an inpatient medicine service, and for specialists seeking information on ...
"The Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series is designed to provide quick access to the essential information needed to evaluate a patient on a subspecialty consult service - each manual has been completely reviewed, revised, and ...
Raghu G, Collard HR, Egan JJ, et al. An official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT statement: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and management. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2011;183(6):788–824. 4. Wuyts WA, Agostini C, ...
When you need a quick consult, turn to The Washington ManualTM Subspecialty Consult Series Prepared by specialty residents, fellows and staff in the Department of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, and reviewed by ...
Designed for the busy practitioner, student, or resident, this pocket-sized edition captures cardiology’s latest findings and treatments in an easy-to-read format.
Louwerens JK, Sierevelt IN, van Hove RP, et al. Prevalence of calcific deposits within the rotator cuff tendons in adults with and without subacromial pain syndrome: clinical and radiologic analysis of 1219 patients.