Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research, Fourth Edition is an excellent primer for investigators who wish to learn how to organize, present, and publish results of their research. Written by an experienced clinical researcher and editor, it uses hundreds of examples, tables and figures to show how to produce successful abstracts, posters, oral presentations, and manuscripts for publication. This book also serves as a companion to the popular text, Designing Clinical Research. This edition contains the latest: • Guidance on getting work accepted in medical journals and at scientific meetings • Examples of the do’s and don’ts of data presentation • Explanations of confusing statistical terminology • Templates to get started and avoid writers’ block • Tips for creating simple graphics and tables • Help for those who are not fluent in English • Suggestions about getting the most from a poster session • Checklists for each section of a manuscript or presentation • Advice about authorship and responding to reviewers’ comments Plus with this edition, there is access to a companion website with fully searchable text so you can access the content anytime, anywhere.
This edition includes additional details to help medical researchers succeed in the competitive “publish or perish” world.
This book is the first of its kind in procuring and disseminating information—pertaining to both career and life—in an organized, concrete, and enduring way.
Reproduced from Harris T, Kerry SM, Victor CR, Ekelund U, Woodcock A, IIiffe S et al. A Primary Care Nurse-Delivered Walking Intervention in Older Adults: PACE (Pedometer Accelerometer Consultation Evaluation)- Lift Cluster Randomised ...
This book describes the authors’ standard or ‘best’ practices used in writing regul- ed clinical documents for the drug and biologics industry.
... containing all pertinent information is essential. The basic structure of the ER presentation is similar to the oral presentation on the wards, but the mindset is different. As described by Peter Rosen in 1979, it is “the biology ...
This text offers a review of basic and applied principles of dental materials and an update on current dental products, for predoctoral and graduate students, dental practitioners, dental hygienists, and...
This book addresses questions such as: Why should I give a paper and where might I give a paper? How does the conference system works? How do I prepare an abstract/outline/synopsis?
This book eases the task of converting research work into a manuscript, and covers the recent developments in publishing that often stump budding researchers.
We form expert teams (or cores) that can be accessed by all committees when designing, conducting, and analyzing ... Creation of custom software applications helps to address the needs of a group running a wide array of clinical trials.
This book will be of interest to stakeholders across the spectrum of research-from funders, to researchers, to journals, to physicians, and ultimately, to patients.