Using an approach that fosters critical thinking and values clarification, this textbook examines the full range of professional issues facing contemporary nursing. Coverage includes critical issues such as the nursing shortage, mandatory staffing ratios, violence in nursing, legal and ethical issues, plus the latest HIPAA regulations, career advancement and evaluations, and best practices for today and the future. This edition includes two NEW chapters: 1) a NEW chapter on developing effective leaders to meet 21st century healthcare challenges, and 2) a NEW chapter on the use of residencies for new graduate nurses as a transition to practice. In addition to these exciting additions, content has been updated throughout the book to reflect cutting-edge trends in healthcare including the impact of healthcare reform, and recommendations from the Institute of Medicine (IOM). This edition promises to be an integral tool to providing effective nursing care in an increasingly global, rapidly changing, technology driven world.
B v United Kingdom (36536/02) [2005] All ER D 63. Barnado vMcHugh [1891] AC 388 (CA). Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management Committee [1969] 1 QB 428 (QBD). Bayliss v Blagg and Another (1954) 1 BMJ 709.
Awarded second place in the 2013 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Professional Issues category "This book is a must for all healthcare managers, recruitment, occupational health, human resources and for all nurses working within the ...
Written by an experienced nurse-lecturer with a law and ethics teaching background, Law, Ethics and Professional Issues for Nursing is essential reading for all pre-registration nursing students, as well as students of other healthcare ...
Schneider (2015) noted that “basic nursing care encompasses a responsibility for correct interpretation of assessment data using critical thinking” (p. 60). Nurses just beginning to pay attention to their thinking processes may ask ...
Provides a framework for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision-making.
This text covers potential roles of the DNP graduate, including leader, clinician, educator, ethical consultant, and health policy advocate.
With the hospital filled to capacity, exhausted staff raided a hospital that was already evacuated for essential medicines such as insulin (Burnham, 2005). • Stealing medications was illegal, yet it surely saved lives.
This engagingly written text offers nursing students comprehensive ideas and perspectives that are basic to the practice of contemporary nursing.
Benjamin and Curtis (2010) identify a dual nature of professional codes of ethics. On the one hand, codes of ethics operate as a creed, a statement of regard for high ideals and commitment of professionals toward them, “a sort of oath ...
Packed with key information, theory and advice, this book covers essential topics such as leadership and management, decision-making, professional development, assessment, law and ethics.