Clinical Imaging: An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis

Clinical Imaging: An Atlas of Differential Diagnosis
Clinical Imaging
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ronald L. Eisenberg


Dr. Eisenberg's best seller is now in its Fifth Edition—with brand-new material on PET and PET/CT imaging and expanded coverage of MRI and CT. Featuring over 3,700 illustrations, this atlas guides readers through the interpretation of abnormalities on radiographs. The emphasis on pattern recognition reflects radiologists' day-to-day needs...and is invaluable for board preparation. Organized by anatomic area, the book outlines and illustrates typical radiologic findings for every disease in every organ system. Tables on the left-hand pages outline conditions and characteristic imaging findings...and offer comments to guide diagnosis. Images on the right-hand pages illustrate the major findings noted in the tables. A new companion Website allows readers to assess and further sharpen their diagnostic skills.

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