For nearly two decades, this classic collection of tough, beautiful, and earthy prayers has lightened hearts and dared spirits to soar.
The collection provides the reader with some of Ted Loder's most memorable works with a variety of meditations for reflection.
GUERRILLA LEARNING IS CREATING A HOME ENVIRONMENT THAT FILLS YOUR CHILD WITH THE JOY OF LEARNING Let your daughter read her library books instead of finishing her homework .
A collection of stories centering on the birth of Jesus.
I know no one who so movingly and honestly brings us before God in prayers that touch the personal and the social dimensions of our lives. I suspect that I will pray from this book the rest of my life.
The story rhymes are built around agraded structure of rhyming words, with four clue rhymes being introduced ineach story. The stories are lively and humorous and introduce the clue rhymes ina real reading context.
Author account of her time in the Philippines during WW2. Spencer was an American whose husband worked for a mining company.
... Cindy Irwin, Jalil Abbas Jilani, Behroz Khan, Kamran Khan, Sahibzada Yaqub Ali Khan, Afrasiab Khattak, Khalid Mansour, General Acknowledgments.
"For too long, says Elizabeth Dreyer, the kind of spirituality taught to Christian lay people has been clerical and monastic.
Trimble saw that a handful of men led by Sergeant Michael McCarthy had not heard the retreat order and were still fighting on the rock outcrop . Believing McCarthy's position the most defensible , Trimble shouted to his men to turn back ...
Loder gives expression to the depths and joys of the human struggle in these intensely personal prayers, complimented by six powerful stories.