Revolutionary Positive Thinking: The Power of Thinking Positively and a Positive Attitude will show you a new source of energy that will allow you to enjoy more loving, happy relationships and eliminate the obstacles in your way to happiness.-Why stress, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and negative self-talk are all things you can change-How to turn things around when things simply don't go your way-What to do if you're stuck in a job you hate-How to make your job less stressful or less overwhelming-Why many potentially great people fail-How to develop strength of character-Effective problem solving tips-Efficient ways to conquer fear-What to do if you want your children to be positive in their outlook towards life-How to apply the powerful principles of "Huna" to get what you want out of life-The best ways to handle your teens' dramatics-The scientific explanation on how the mind can affect your body and keep it ill or healthy-Sources of negativities, and how to eliminate them-How to stay motivated for life-What to do each time your mind produces a negative thought "I couldn't believe how simple it was to make a huge difference in the way I thought about my life and what changes I was capable of making right away. Thanks so much."Marlan P.- ArizonaWish I'd had this book years ago. What fantastic information and so simple! Thanks for this life-changing book."Dennis K.- North Carolina"At first, I was skeptical. How could anything this powerful be so simple? But I started using the information immediately and began seeing changes right before my eyes. Thanks so much."Anna B.- Texas"For years, I worried about everything and felt like I was never going to achieve any success. Stress and anxiety had me worn out. I started using this powerful information the day I received it and what a difference! I've learned how to relax and refocus my thoughts and emotions. I'm on my way to success now!"Margaret T. - New York