It’s been said that for any event, there are an infinite number of possible outcomes. Our choices determine which outcome will follow, and therefore all possibilities that could happen do happen across alternate realities. In these divergent realms, known history is bent, like white light through a shattered prism—broken into a boundless spectrum of what-might-have-beens. But in those myriad universes, what might have been . . . is what actually occurred. THE EMBRACE OF COLD ARCHITECTS. “Mister Worf—fire.” With thosewords, William T. Riker defeated the Borg—and destroyed Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Now, a heartsore Captain Riker must carry on the legacy of thecommanding officer and friend whose death he ordered. But crises face himat every turn, from Cardassian aggression to the return of Data’s creator,Noonien Soong. But it is Data’s creation of a daughter, Lal, that may prove to beeveryone’s undoing. . . . THE TEARS OF ERIDANUS. Commander Hikaru Sulu of the Kumari—finest ship of the Interstellar Guard, the military arm of the Interstellar Union that includes Andor, Earth, and Tellar—is sent to rescue an observation team on a primitive desert planet. The world has many names—40 Eridani A-II, Minshara, T’Khasi, Vulcan—and its savage natives have taken the team hostage, including Sulu’s daughter, Demora. Even as Captain Sulu negotiates with the fierce T’Pau, Demora meets the elderly S’oval, and with him the only hope for the planet’s future. . . . HONOR IN THE NIGHT. Former Federation president Nilz Baris has died. After losing Sherman’s Planet to the Klingons thanks to poisoned quadrotriticale, the agriculture undersecretary parlayed that defeat into years of political battles with the Klingon Empire, and eventually the Federation’s highest office. Now, the Federation News Service wants the story of his life, a quest that digs up many secrets—including the mystery of why his final words were “Arne Darvin.”
The Barge of the Dead When Lieutenant Torres was rendered comatose during a mission, she believed that she was on the Barge of the Dead, the ship that took dishonored souls to Gre'thor—the Klingon equivalent of Hell.
This book contends that Star Trek is not just a set of television series, but has become a pervasive part of the identity of the millions of people who watch, read and consume the films, television episodes, network specials, novelizations, ...
Quoted in Roberta E. Pearson and Máire Messenger Davies, “'You're Not Going to See That on TV': Star Trek: The Next Generation in Film and Television,” in Quality Popular Television, ed. Mark Jancovich and James Lyons (London: BFI ...
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In other words, change is afoot in the Star Trek universe, and considering that Gene Roddenberry's original series ... D. C. Fontana's novel Vulcan's 404 author's note Glory, and Margaret Wander Bonanno's Burning Dreams. author's note .
The official guide to Star Trek, just in time for Star Trek's 20th anniversary celebration. Includes synopsis of all episodes, background information, information on the animated series and movies and 125 photographs.
Midshipman Jim Kirk will return in STAR TREK" ACADEMY Trial Run For further information about William Shatner, science fiction, new technologies, and upcoming William Shatner books and other projects, log on to
The commodore looked away from Kirk, first down at his glass, then out into space. The unspoken implication sent a shock through the captain. “Bob?” When Wesley looked back, ... “But the truth is that not everybody at headquarters is .
This is the first book to combine an authoritative history of the Star Trek franchise—including all six television series and eleven feature films—with anecdotes about the show from those who helped shape it from the outside ...
GUEST CAST: Hallie Todd as Lai; Nicholas Coster as Haftel, Admiral; Whoopi Goldberg as Guiñan; Judyann Elder as Ballard, Lieutenant; Diane Moser, Hayne Bayle, Maria Leone, James G. Becker, as TenForward crew. SEE: Andorians; android ...