While in a New Orleans recovery unit, detective Dave Robicheaux meets a Creole girl whose subsequent disappearance prompts his search for the girl's sister against a backdrop of a bayou-threatening oil well rupture in the Gulf of Mexico. Reprint. 350,000 first printing.
Echoes of Faulkner and Lawrence, and even Shakespeare’s Othello, resonate in this tale, yet the drama’s uniquely modern dynamics set it apart from any model in its exploration of love and hate, politics and stereotype, and the attempt ...
Creole Belle Signed Edition Prepack 10
The adventurous woman nicknamed La Belle Créole is brought to life in this book through the full use of her memoirs, contemporary accounts, and her intimate letters.
Frank cursed. He lifted his voice once more in a long, pleading wail for Carol. Still no answer. Frank had figured he couldn't sink any lower than he'd been when the alarm clock woke him earlier this morning.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Bonded Leather binding
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
any blues performance. Yazoo and Blue Goose Records 54 King Street New York City, New York 10014 Biograph and Historical Records 1601 East 21st Street Brooklyn, New York 11210 Aberdeen Mississippi Blues, Booker “Bukka” White/CBS 52629 ...
In the mid 1920s , for example , the holiday appears to have been notable along Bayou Teche only because large numbers of Breaux Bridge and St. Martinville residents traveled to Baton Rouge to attend the Louisiana State University ...
The Young Pilot of the Belle Creole