Unfortunately, very few people these days talk about real values in life. What we stand for in life, and are we living up to these values are worth pondering. Are our aspirations in tune with the real purpose of life? It is the values that remind us often what to aspire in life. Most people value life and its achievements from the perspective of wealth and richness, but do not recognize trust, honesty, and contentment as forward looking attributes that help in overall satisfaction. Giving importance to external growth leaving behind inner development often leads to unbalance in life devoid of overall satisfaction. Much of the troubles in this world are that true values of life have narrowed down, skewed, ignored and misunderstood. This book deliberates different aspects of life in terms of personal, moral, spiritual, family and social values and how these can enrich life and fill its purpose. A wide range of topics include How to live an easier life; Thoughts on simplifying life; Virtues of Integrity; Mistakes we generally make; Control on impulsive mind; Being Successful in life; Benefits from silence; Communication with inner self; Creating love for others; How to think positive; How moral values get reinforced; Belief in natural justice; What is spirituality; Understanding self; How to find God; What does death mean to us; Good family values; Being part of whole universe; Universal brotherhood; Towards developing good values. Attempt has been made to describe large issues that are outcome of misdirected value system, and how best a person can move ahead in life by focusing on core values. The idea of writing this book is to facilitate readers to pause and think about what they aspire, and are these aspirations in tandem with broad purpose in life.
During our ride, they discussed MTV's rumor that 'N Sync star Justin Timberlake had assaulted a female fan. Mollie has been to two 'N Sync concerts, ...
Around Mabon, you may start to notice frost forming on the ground ... or quality of yourself you'd like to strengthen and incorporate it into a ritual.
It is the living Spirit of God. In Healing Thoughts, author Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shares that when there is a conscious realization of the presence and power of God within, we can handle any situation that confronts us.
Finding happiness, peace, and purpose really can be as simple as changing our minds. This little book will show you how. “Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow tells the truth and tells it well.
En esta exquisita recopilacion, las palabras de Virginia Woolf, Joan Baez o Carlos Castaneda vienen acompanadas de reflexiones profundas y enriquecedoras. Cada pagina sera un rayo de luz y un oasis de serenidad para tu nuevo dia.
Oggi è un nuovo giorno. Meditazioni giorno per giorno per donne che vivono momenti difficili
Robson proposes to present the relics to the British museum at London upon his return to Liverpool.” Investigations into this story by journalist N.L Hills revealed that it is unlikely that this story was a hoax as there really had been ...
Guy Gibson wasa different brandof celebrity. He came to prominence during the Second World War, after leading the 1943 raid againsttwo hydroelectric dams in industrial Germany, using speciallydesigned bouncing bombs.
Judy Hall's Complete Crystal Workshop is interactive, practical, and includes a step-by-step learning program to guide you toward the profound wisdom within crystal lore.
In this book, best-selling occultist and crystal expert Judy Hall provides a basic primer on crystal skulls: What they are Where they are found Their role in legend and lore around the world Their uses for physical and psychic healing Also ...