The Big Book of Dinosaurs covers all of the extinct animals from A to Z. It includes what they looked like and ate. The dinosaurs are compared to objects that surround us today.
本册带小读者一起回到遥远的白垩纪时代, 看看鸭嘴龙, 窍蛋龙, 棘背龙等五种不同的恐龙, 介绍了它们有不同的特征, 各自的生活, 成长环境也大相径庭.
本书对神奇的史前生物进行了图文并茂的概述,使孩子在享受乐趣的同时,也丰富了他们的知识.快来找一找雷克斯霸王龙长了多少颗牙齿,剑龙的早餐会是什么,哪些恐龙长着漂亮的羽毛 ...
Grade level: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, p, e, i.
"This spectacular, super-sized sticker encyclopedia is packed with fascinating facts about all kinds of dinosaurs."--Page 4 of cover.
1 TYRANNOSAURUS REX 2 TRICERATOPS 3 DILOPHOSAURUS 4 VELOCIRAPTOR 5 BRACHIOSAURUS 6 CALLIMIMUS 7 JURASSIC PARK The Great Adventure 8 JURASSIC PARK The Science The size of a full-sized adult Velociraptor compared to a.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Dinosaurs - Moving Model Book
Geoffrey the dinosaur gets ready for school.