Collects more than one hundred quotes from famous coaches about leadership, confidence, and respect that men can apply to fatherhood.
This tell-it-like-it-is book will take new dads from just winging it to winning it. "If you're a man preparing for your first child, you must read this book.
Offers advice for new fathers to be prepared for labor and childbirth.
This motivating and entertaining book is the perfect book for any father or father-to-be who wants to learn what it means to be the world's Most Valuable Dad.
"--Tony Dungy, former NFL head coach and bestselling author "Knowing Drew, I've been encouraged and challenged by his example and wisdom--read this book so you can get to know this man as well.
Dad on Purpose: The Busy Dad's Playbook to Loving Better, Doing More and Breathing Easier
A playbook filled with short lessons for new fathers who might not have had the best examples of fatherhood.
But becoming a good dad-that's a different matter altogether. When the child is born, the doctor doesn't say, "Congratulations, and here is the manual to raise this child successfully.
This book not only highlights the fundamentals of fatherhood, but also gives dads a winning game plan to do their most important job well.
Baseball gloves, dirty diapers, tiny little hands, first days of school, daddy-daughter dances, and learner's permits... and so much more! There's no way you can be ready for it all, but this is when you need to get a bit of a head start.
They are "all in" and—like mothers—struggling with work-life balance and doing it all. Levs explains that despite these un-precedented changes, the structures that shape our family lives remain rigid.