Bringing together a powerful group of leading educational thinkers, including Michael Fullan, Dennis Sparks, Linda Lambert, and Dean Fink, this volume examines how to sustain improvement through shared leadership.
Caldwell , B.J. ( 2004 ) Re - imagining the Self - Managing School . London : Spe- cialist Schools and Academies Trust . Caldwell , B.J. ( 2005 ) The New Enterprise Logic of Schools . London : Specialist Schools and Academies Trust .
This book describes the University’s experiences in establishing and organizing that program and provides some lessons learned for those who are considering starting environmental leadership education programs.
This is leadership for the long term not just the immediate, for all schools not just for some." —Steve Munby, executive director, UK National College for School Leadership
This book emphasises the importance of maximising the leadership capabilities of all those within the organization, and provides guidance about the way in which this is achieved. It contains case study illustrations.
Whether you are new to a leadership role as a subject or team leader or are a more experienced leader, responsible for the professional development or performance management of a large team, this book will add to your skills toolkit.
This Open Access book features a school development model (Arizona Initiative for Leadership Development and Research AZiLDR) that offers a roadmap for schools to navigate the complexities of continuous school development.
longer-term sustainability, I outline nine key factors. ... (5) developing personal humility and professional will as a means of building long-term leadership capacity, (6) practising strategic timing and strategic abandonment, ...
This book looks at the roots of the 'succession challenge' internationally and more specifically through the eyes of present and potential leaders to suggest how enlightened approaches to succession management can ensure a steady supply of ...
UK: FT Prentice-Hall, Pearson. Mintzberg, H., Simons, R. and Basu, K. (2002) Beyond selfishness. MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall, 67–74. Mitchell, L.E. (2001) Corporate Irresponsibility: America's Newest Export.
This is the encouragement and inspiration business leaders need to move past incremental improvement at a time when exponential, world-changing action is more urgent than ever.