Raise organizational effectiveness to improve the quality of instruction and dramatically impact student achievement! Working in tandem with the powerful National Education Association’s KEYS initiative (Keys to Excellence in Your Schools), this second edition provides a wealth of knowledge from leading experts in the field including Patricia A. Alexander, Eva L. Baker, James A. Banks, Peter Cookson, Lorna M. Earl, Richard F. Elmore, Michael Fullan, Geneva Gay, Willis D. Hawley, Jacqueline Jordan Irvine, Kenneth Leithwood, Ann Lieberman, Judith Warren Little, Lynne Miller, P. Karen Murphy, Fred M. Newmann, Sonia Nieto, Janet Ward Schofield, Walter G. Stephan, Gary Sykes, and Linda Valli.
Keys to Effective Schools: Educational Reform as Continuous Improvement
This book explores the key characteristics that make a school effective.
Success Against the Odds will do the same. This powerful new book picks up one of the key themes of its predecessor, namely how schools in disadvantaged areas can not only be particularly effective but can continue to improve.
Illuminating video segments on the most important aspects of classroom management from master teacher, Kelly Bergman. Perfect for any PD environment.
This guide helps educators implement a continuous school improvement system through application of the seven correlates of effective schools.
Reynolds , D. , Sammons , P. , Stoll , L. , Barber , M. and Hillman , J. ( 1996b ) School effectiveness and school improvement in the United Kingdom , School Effectiveness and School Improvement ( special issue of country reports ) .
Morgan made arrangements with her principal to work with two 5th-grade teachers in another building who believe that students should read and learn through the Internet to develop “new literacies” (Leu, Forzani, & Kennedy, 2014).
This booklet presents the concept of school effectiveness, the factors associated with effectiveness, and supporting research. Six factors of school effectiveness are discussed: (1) strong instructional leadership by the principal;...
Provides a framework for the implementation of the effective schools process.
This volume conveys the views of educational researchers on major research on what makes effective schools, the effects of trying to put those research views into practice and the relationship...